At this point we have set what each one of us does for this group project. My part was to find as much information on burning fossil fuels because of delivery transports, issues of this and also providing solutions that would be used to improve the company, customers experience and the environment. I've accessed quite a few links because i tried to not use Wikipedia and easy accessible links that can be edited by people. i found some good few articles that talk about the whole industry of Amazon and not only but the whole as delivering products to customers and how it has changed in the last few years. I found very good information and diagrams that can be used for the presentation to keep the listeners attention. I have made a document file where i typed in all the information found and then uploaded to the Google Drive so my team mates can see it as well.
A week before the presentation we decided to team call again so we can write up the script together. We had some few broadband issues because 3 of us were on Virgin Media broadband and they had several issues during the quarantine weeks because so many people were using the broadband. But in the end we managed to find a time that suited all of us and everything worked fine. While we were on the phone we went over the information that we each had in our word document files and picked out the best information that would be interesting and would keep the listeners attention. We tried to not use many dates and numbers as they are very boring and you can easily get distracted and not listen anymore. Wwe put all the important information im the script as draft first. Then I had to leave but the rest of the group stayed and finished the script. We created the script based on the slides and on every slide we had a little comment. We decided to switch up between us who talks every few slides so we are more engaging with the audience and keep the attention up. We tried not to go over the time limit which was 10 minutes.
Then 2 days before the presentation we called again and we decided to go over the whole script and read over. As we went through we realised some parts were boring so we cut them out, as we kept reading along we kept doing this process of rectifying, shortening and cutting out so we also don't go over the time limit. This whole call lasted around an hour and we were able to set who talks where and what. We were fairly happy with how it went and then we decided to practice one more time before the presentation.
The day of the presentation came, we practiced again and everything went very smoothly and we were all very happy with it. Then i decided to log into Second Life 15 min early just to make sure that everything is running well and that there are no issues because during the course of this module i had several problems with the sever. I tried my microphone and it didn't worked, maybe it was from the settings so i checked them. Im familiar with the settings that should be because i'm on several gaming servers. But all the settings were right but it still didn't work, i was even communicating with the team on our group chat to try and solve the problem but we just couldn't figure it out. I logged out and back in like 3 times the least. I was very disappointed that my microphone didn't work because i was ready for my part. Our time to present came and i was so lucky because Luke decided to talk for my part as well. He saved me! I let John know that it doesn't work for me. I was very disappointed that neither the speaker or the microphone worked and that it broke down last minute. But i had a great team that helped me out a lot. I couldn't hear their presentation at all but at the end John let me know in the chat box that my team did great and i was very proud of them. I later watched the video of my teams presentation and it was honestly very well done and i'm very proud of them and i'm happy i was given team yellow.
In the end i actually enjoyed this team project just because i had a great team where everyone did their part when needed and had great communication. I'm glad John was very understanding of the tech difficulties i was facing. It thought me a lot of how virutal world and Second Life works and how to efficiently communicate through these platforms and i think these are great things i learned especially during these times where we rely a lot on the online world.